Friday, April 01, 2011

Connecting the dots

As with most people, I am drawn to a variety of things, liking this, that and the other.  I go through stages of fascination for a certain sport, a certain item in my closet, a type of food, a political persona or a TV show, then with the change of season something else catches my eye and I become slightly obsessed (for lack of a better word) with my new found love.  I always think my obsessive loves are independent of each other, each existing on their own, flowing in and out of my life. And yet, somehow they are all connected.

I came across the video below, available on the Marimekko website and I couldn't help but smile. To me, this fantastic little video reminds me of my other big love, experimental film. Hands down, Canada's Norman McLaren is my favorite. Without the use of a camera, McLaren created a unique animation style: wobbly lines, and dots that take on a personality, chasing each other across the screen. I am fascinated by the emotional effect these sounds and simple lines and dots have on the viewer. How is it possible for something so visually simple to make the audience laugh?


Although I cannot express in words the precise connection and why I am drawn to both Marimekko's large, colorful prints and McLaren's animations, surely one can see the similarities when they are presented as in the videos above.

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