Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The cutting of the ribbon (in cyberspace)

My Etsy store is open! Yay! Hurrah! So exciting! The ribbon has been cut and now it's shopping time! Please imagine many people milling about, nibbling on cheese and sipping wine while perusing my lovely products and buying lots of aprons.

*Ching, ching, ching* I feel like I should say a few words...ahem, first off, thank you to everyone who has supported me over these past months of hard work, soul searching and reinvention of myself. Friends, family and yes, even my new Twitter/Etsy colleagues have made all this so much fun and much more enjoyable.

For those who are unfamiliar with Etsy, it is an online commerce website filled with all things handmade, vintage and supplies to make more wonderful handmade things. When you're tired of the mall, Etsy is a great place to find cool, nifty items.  Plus, it's super easy  and provides hassle-free purchasing. Etsy is an incredible community of hard working individuals, all doing something with passion, dedication and hard work. I know this, because believe me, it might look easy (all those pretty colors and cute things throw you off) but trust me, "handmade" is a synonym for long nights, dining rooms turned into sewing studios, and paint stains and paper cuttings on the living room floor. There is no Crtl + Z in handmade! You either love it, live with it or start from scratch.

Needless to say, I think everyone deserves a unique apron.  And what do you know, Mother's Day is coming up. There's birthdays and wedding presents and even Easter (hey, better late than never and why not give presents at Easter?). The aprons pictured are just a handful of the ones printed. There are plenty where they came from!

Once again, thank you for your continued support and enjoy the cheese and wine (in your mind!)


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