Thursday, March 31, 2011

Herbs...the cornerstone of fine dining and other wonders of the world

Herbs are a wonderful addition to any meal. Pasta and boring tomato sauce? Add fresh basil and suddenly everyone's impressed. I recently got some fresh herbs from the supermarket and put them in water, as though they were flowers. A week (or two?) later they had sprouted roots so I transferred them to a pot with soil. How easy was that? It got me thinking about growing other things at home. Radish? Chili peppers? Other herbs?

With most people living in urban areas not many people have a garden, much less a space large enough to allow a section to be dedicated to growing your own vegetables. If I were the President of the World (is there such a title?) or Ruler of All Things Great (I like that one) my first topic of discussion would be living roofs. I would want all buildings to have living, or "green roofs". You know, "green roofs" as in grass and trees and gardens and such. If no living roof was possible, the area should be covered with solar panels or rain water catching thing-a-ma-bob. Fine, this last idea is perhaps not so thought out, but I like the living rooftops. I always imagine that from space Earth would suddenly look very, very green and lush. And no matter where you lived, your view would include nature and trees. How wonderful would that be? I digress...we were discussing herbs in our food and growing your own.

Jamie Oliver gives us no excuses. At least, no excuse to not grow herbs.

Jamie always makes it look so easy and gives a "if I can do it, anyone can" attitude. Hmm, he forgets to mention just how long he's been cooking and working with food, but anyhow, he's got some lovely advice and tips and it really is possible to emulate a little Jamie in your kitchen. So, the next time you're cooking up some boring ol' pasta, don't let it be boring and add some fresh herbs to (literally) spice up your life!

Also, I absolutely love the turquoise Eames DSW chair next to Jamie. Love it!

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