Saturday, March 26, 2011

Love / Hate

I have a strange love/hate relationship with printing. With creative activities I like big arm movements, bold colors, and if I can use a hammer, well that's super cool. I'm not much into pencil shading, origami or water color. I like it when other people create water color paintings and form intricate delicate swans, but for me personally I am just left frustrated. I'm thinking that big arm movements don't well with origami.  So, in a similar situation with screen printing I'm fighting and arguing with myself throughout the entire prep time. Prepare the stencil. Prepare the drying rack or in my case, clear some closet space. Prepare the screen with emulsion. Wait for it to dry. Mix the paint. Prepare the desk to work on. Prepare the fabric. Prepare, prepare, prepare. When does the FUN start? Gah! So when I've finally got all my ducks in a line, or a row, or whatever formation is needed, the design I've thought of had better be something I'm happy with. I don't use Illustrator or Photoshop or a printer. I sketch and hand cut all my designs which takes time. But once I get going and I lift up the screen for the initial reveal, well, I've already forgotten all the aches and pains of Prep Time and I love printing all over again!
Stretching new fabric on the frame
Covering the screen with photo sensitive emulsion
Frames drying in a dark closet over night
Burning the image onto the frame using a regular household light bulb. This takes about 1.5 hours.

Rinsing out the emulsion. The areas covered with the stencil wash away, allowing paint to go through the frame. All other areas are covered and sealed with the emulsion.

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